Are you planning on throwing a Feed Me party in LA again

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I have never thrown a party there! But I would…

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yes please! and the west coasters want feed me merch too :)

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Yes! Seconded.

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Have loved sharing a thing that I wanna keep secret (elder millennial preciousness?); What you've created here is just sooo good and a JOY to read. Congrats on all of your success this year :)

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No apologies for typos, please. They are cherished!

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Love the new branding and your fantastic content is always useful and entertaining. Congratulations on your success and the burgeoning Feed Me empire.

I would love to help throw a Dallas Feed Me party….

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Thank you so much! I'm so game

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This is awesome! Glad to hear here! Feed Me makes me miss living in NY. And I wish there was a sort Feed Me DC. I have t found a Substack similar to yours about DC. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

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The new look is sick. Love it. We love an ouroboros... one of my fav Oneohtrix tracks is called Ouroboros. I have looked forward to opening Feed Me every business day for past couple years. As cheesy, and maybe even banal, as it is to say... I do learn something new every time I open this newsletter. Congratulations! Cannot wait to see this grow and grow.

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Thank you so much, I always keep an eye out for your name in the comment section because you've consistently started interesting convos. Grateful for you!

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Reaaaaaaally excited for the audio medium

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The new look is IT! Excited for this new chapter!

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Thank you, I'm so glad you guys like it

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breast feed me

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Congrats! Long time follower (since the horror stories in 2020!). Psyched to see what comes next. Thank you for your service 💜

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Damn day one!! Thank you for reading

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Very exciting. And congrats. And really truly not to be snarky at all but you are doing so much investing here why not add a copy editor for typos and things. Or maybe you have one already but I assumed with the typo com,ent that maybe you don’t?. Seems like you are turning this into a little media empire so this would just go with the territory. Love your work.

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Oh I don’t have an editor! Have you noticed a lot of typos?

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Congrats Emily!!! It's been so cool to see this space grow! So thrilled that the anonymous transit expert is permanently aboard the feed me train, yay!!!!

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You’re amazing and so is the ouroboros

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Goal for 2025: get a Feed Me ouroboros in Harling’s closet

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look is 11/10. Proud of you and very excited for this next chapter

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REALLY into the new design ! Ouroboros is brilliant in all ways intended and very partial to the green which feels symbolic too <3

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Feed Me is the one thing I read everyday. No other Substack (or legacy media site) comes close! I always imagined your logo as an open glossy red lip mouth with a tongue sticking out and a giant gold coin (or nasty $100 bill) on top of the tongue like it's about to be swallowed whole. Feed Me is such a great name and I think you need a visual identity that matches the subversiveness of what you're doing with your content.

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