Sep 7Liked by Emily Sundberg

I'm excited to follow 831. I want them to succeed. I love the shine of the pitch. But A24 doesn't generate ideas and then develop them with development people and commissioned writers - that way of movie and book producing usually churns out flat work that doesn't find an audience. Because at the end of the day art isn't surgery or surgical. What A24 does is market and produce and distribute works of inspired, passionate, voice-y, original genius - and from everything I've heard they stand the fuck back and let artists make what they want how they want. This idea of manufacturing a book from the top down leaves me cold. I hope I'm wrong!

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Sep 7Liked by Emily Sundberg

Reealllly intruiged by 831. I think they’ve actually addressed a huge issue that they didn’t discuss by just clicking on their site/looking at the first book — the fucking covers of these books that are usually so ugly! They’re giving a romance book a Lit Fic cover and it’s gonna hopefully get many more girls to carry it around in public. But also gonna depend a lot on the quality of writing because Emily Henry isn’t a good example of the genre of romance right now, I’d say she’s more of a standout/the cream of the crop. So fun that there’s a company for women who read though! I’ve been reading a lot of classics recently and every time I pick one up and the female characters are all the same one dimensional, interchangeable person I get annoyed and desperate for better writing to and about women lol

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Emily Sundberg

In 1999 I left NYC for grad school on the west coast. Long weekends I'd hop the late Friday flight back to visit my girlfriend and we'd meet at Pastis for dinner. The meatpacking at midnight would feel dark and deserted and then you stepped into Pastis and it was absolutely popping. Buvette and Frenchette are restaurants, maybe great ones, but the OG Pastis was a pure New York energy that I'm not sure I've experienced ever again

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Sep 8Liked by Emily Sundberg

831 hive i love this interview

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Sep 8Liked by Emily Sundberg

That ice cream bar is so good

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i'm often on booktube, and am surprised that no one has gotten an arc of 831's big fan

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Sep 7Liked by Emily Sundberg

… amazed anyone isn’t picking Frenchette.

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Amazed it took an hour for someone to clock that I wrote the wrong Dakota

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lol amazed I had record time

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Sep 8Liked by Emily Sundberg

Clearly the best one

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I ~THINK~ the Row is in TK/TJ* Maxx because Matches Fashion closed down and sent all of their leftover stock there.

*in the UK it’s called TK Maxx, and this phenomenon is also happening in Britain right now

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I’m in Sydney, Australia — and a romance book store is opening in my gentrified inner-city neighbourhood. It replaced a hipster newsagent.

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